Our Mission
Create the largest shared library in the world.
Our Vision
Allow people to easily acquire and share their libraries.
Executive Summary
Blook is a mobile app that is dedicated to the world-wide community of book-lovers
and aims to become the largest shared library in the world.
Thanks to an innovative algorithm, Blookers will be able to create a digital archive of
all their paper books in just a few minutes, simply by taking pictures of multiple
books at once with their smartphone or tablet.
It will thus be really easy for them to organize their library, share their favorite
novels, visualize their friends’ libraries to better discover their literary tastes and
maybe pick a book out of their wishlist to give them as a present. They will also be
able to interact with other users based on their literary preferences.
Users will be able to organize all their books in different categories and decide
whether they want to sell, exchange or donate any of them. They will also have the
option to search for books throughout the community of users: once they will have
found the book they are looking for, they will be able to buy it (used or new) or
exchange it with one of theirs.
We have competitors such as Goodreads and Anobii, but none of them provides our
unique multiple acquisition tool.
In Italy there are about 25 million people that define themselves as book lovers:
each year this market segment generates 1.2 billion of turnover. Our plan is to
acquire our early adopters on specific Social Media pages and literature events, then
launch a beta version in June and let the community grow from our first users via a
referral program that should allow for a viral growth. We plan to launch the first
version of the app in September in Italy and then launch in other countries
(Germany, France, UK, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Holland, Belgium, USA,
Australia) in the first months of 2018.
Once we will have acquired a significant number of users, we will implement our
B2B strategy, aimed at actors in the literary market, such as publishers, bookshops
and authors.