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Nardò, Puglia

Cosa è

The idea coming from a personal need, that of one of the two founders who, as a disabled person in a wheelchair, physiotherapist and researcher, looked for a different mobility device. Sooner or later all of us will need some medical devices and our vision is to be able and ready to offer functionally useful devices, sustainable, technologically innovative and with an attractive design oriented to the expectations and needs of our customers. Indeed, our vision is to get data coming from our clients, analyse them through artificial intelligence and offer products "customer based" in a e-commerce marketplace dedicated.

In dettaglio

Nowadays devices of all kinds (wheelchair, braces, prothesis, etc..) are built and sold without any attention to the aesthetic, functional and ethical-social.

For those who live with a disability condition becomes essential to be able to "show off" their devices as part of themselves because it is necessary. It becomes essential to be able to "walk" with your head held high proud of your "device" and not be ashamed of it because it is bulky, because it is unpleasant to the eye or simply because it is the object of categorization.

Our vision is to REVOLUTIONIZE the world of medical devices which will finally be designed and engineered based on the real needs and requirements of consumers.

The goal is to get data coming from our customers, analyse them through artificial intelligence and offer functionally useful medical devices, sustainable, technologically innovative and with an attractive design oriented to the expectations and needs of our customers in a e-commerce marketplace dedicated.

The idea comes from a personal need of Alessio, CEO and co-founder, who lives his life between wheelchair and medical devices since he was born. About two years ago, Alessio started a personal search on Internet for a wheelchair that would give him more freedom.

He wanted a wheelchair that could finally make him look at life from a different perspectivevertical like everyone and with the ability to move without the use of hands, electrically. He was looking for a modern one, with an innovative design that would prevent people from "categorizing" him as a HANDICAPPED. He was looking for a lightweight, transportable wheelchair.

He found NOTHING.

At this point Alessio decided to call his friend Emanuele, transportation designer and then co-founder, and they started to design the wheelchair of the future based on personal needs of a person who lives these conditions of disability every day.

They were aligned, there was the possibility to change, there was a valid reason to dream and there was a simple but original idea behind which a person with disabilities could be identified by going BEYOND THEIR LIMITS.

To understand if the "desire for change” came from Alessio alone or was shared by disables, exploratory research was conducted by interviewing 52 wheelchair users one by one asking them:

“What kind of wheelchair the disable people would have in the next future?"

We recruited participants from wheelchair basketball teams and several disability associations and we balanced characteristics such as age, gender, and disease type in order to have as much information as possible for different customer segments.

The questionnaire was structured in 15 questions investigating different aspects related to the product and we analysed the data and identified 10 macro areas to which we gave a weight from 0 to 10 based on the adherence of the participants' responses.

Since the market positioning of our device is quite singular, as we enter a market that is positioned in the middle between manual and electronic wheelchairs, we assessed the real competitive advantages in the market through a competitors analysis customer oriented.

We made a weighted average for each of the characteristics that emerged from our interviews by giving us and our competitors a score from 0 to 10 based on the complete or absent adherence of the same in the product and then created an explanatory graph that shows how close or far the products are from the benchmark set by our target customers.

Accordingly, we designed a new concept of wheelchair looking at the future of the micro- mobility.

We have preserved the advantages of a manual and electric wheelchair, we minimized the disadvantages in terms of weight and bulk, we have re-think the shape of the wheelchair returning it a new cool and attractive design and we have worked on the transportability and vertical features to let people being independent, hands free and LIMITLESS.

One device for 3 markets; disability, silver economy, micro mobility.

Based on the data and market forecasts, we have calculated our market potential considered available data by worldwide population (Worldmeters) and calculated the number of disabled people in the world (WHO, Eurostat), which are the 1% of the population.

On the basis of these assumptions we have also calculated the market potential coming from the silver economy as so micro-mobility which is 203 million.

Our business model is focus on the healthcare system and motor disabilities. Since our device has been designed for everyone, we predict to involve it in different markets as well as silver economy or micro mobility.

The device will be sold through a sales network composed of disabled agents recruited worldwide following specific technical, interpersonal and human skills. The unemployment rate of disabled people in the world continues to drop dramatically and we aim to be the company that will hire the largest number of disabled people in the world.

Agents will manage their own portfolio of clients, stakeholders, territorial shareholders becoming the face of LIMITLESS for the end customer.

They will manage quality, device maintenance, and conflicts by driving Limitless to the best possible offering and in the creation of new medical solutions and devices.

The customer journey and needs of the disabled patient can only be understood by another disabled person.

The market strategy will be to split the device into two modules to reach the market in 2024.

The first two years will be dedicated to investment in the project with revenue in 2024 due to the sale of the backrest module that allows us to reduce the financial debt and invest in research and development by 50%.

In 2025 we will keep selling the backrest module to an increasing number of customers and start selling the first production line of the whole device investing 70% of the revenue in R&D.

In 2026 we expect to scale up in Europe and in 2027 thanks to the costs optimization and standardize sales process we will sell products worldwide to also non-self-sufficient elderly people. In 2028 we expect to be the leading company in the disability market in Italy, increase sales in the elderly market and enter the micro-mobility market with long-term rental.

The average annual growth is 208% and we expect to pay back the investment in 2 years.

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