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Wayt Travel

Cardano al Campo, Lombardia

Cosa è
Wayt Travel?

La piattaforma per chi viaggia e per chi fa viaggiare

In dettaglio

We created Wayt based on many feedbacks collected from travelers and travel bloggers all having one need in common: keeping all their travel information organized. However, there are trips that are difficult to organize independently due to lack of time or the knowledge to plan them thoroughly, and for which one usually relies instead on professionals such as agencies or tour operators. To them, we turned to fill this gap. So we started collaborations with agencies, to shape the only 360-degree solution for the traveler, suitable for all types of travel.

For travelers, Wayt is the ideal tool to plan, keep organized, and remember a trip: an app that supports the traveler in all phases of their trip from organizing the itinerary, to remembering the trip itself, indeed it allows users to create a digital travel journal with their memories (e.g., photos, notes, places visited, etc.) and to share it with whomever they want.

For travel agencies, Wayt represents a secure, effective, and cost-efficient opportunity to address much-needed digitization and expand the incoming flow of users of online channels. The product is an entirely cloud-based web dashboard, which allows agents to create complex itineraries while saving 50% of the time compared to conventional tools (such as Word/Canva). The agency solution is fully integrated with the Wayt ecosystem; in fact, the user can view and enjoy itineraries created by agencies directly in the app. In addition, the agency can offer and sell its services directly in the app reaching a larger user base.

The solution is presented as a virtuous circle in which a trip organized through a travel agency using Wayt can become the medium through which new customers will organize their next trips. This feature is a unique value with respect to the competitive landscape and provides a shield with respect to the competition: In fact, once a slice of the national market has been obtained, as a first mover in Italy, it will be particularly difficult for other competitors to target those agencies already in the Wayt ecosystem as the cost of migration (in terms of effort) for them and their users, would not be indifferent, even if only thinking about having to transfer all templates and itineraries for agencies or export and reorganize all their memories for travelers. This is the main competitive advantage of Wayt, which, however, requires us to take the first steps of “conquering” the target market slice quickly.

For the usage of the platform, travel agents are charged a fixed fee for each individual travel itinerary submitted to each of their clients.

Wayt charges a 4% fee for each trip sold by agencies within the Wayt app.

Wayt wins because it succeeds in bringing travel agents and travelers together within a single ecosystem.

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